Regulatory Departments and Institutions:
- Comisión Nacional de Prevención de Riesgos y Atención
de Emergencias:
National Institution that rectors all matters of disaster prevention and emergency care. Focal Institution for planning development and budgeting regarding prevention and risk mitigation.
- Servicio Nacional de Salud Animal -
Institution in charge of providing quality services for the livestock sector. Also delegated to facilitate, monitor, operate and trade in animal products and livestock products in/out national/international markets. Policies for import and export trade relies on SENASA.
- Servicio Fitosanitario del Estado
It fulfils the functions of surveillance and pest control throughout the country. Performs the registration of substances, equipment and organisms for agricultural use.
- Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y
The functions of this ministry is to direct foreign relations, celebrate treaties and promulgate and execute them once approved by the Legislative Assembly. It also receives Heads of State representatives, diplomatic representatives and to admit nation’s consuls.
- Ministerio de Salud
- Dirección General de Aviación Civil
Plans, regulates and promotes civil aviation services in Costa Rica.
- Dirección General de Migración y
Institution body under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the aim of promoting immigration, regulating it and establishing control measures for it, under the observation of international conventions, for the knowledge and study of everything related to migration.
- Ministerio de Seguridad Pública
Major institution which maintains public order, prevents criminal and vandal acts, and preserves and maintains sovereignty.
- Dirección General de Aduanas
Regulates the entry and exit of merchandise, vehicles and units of transport from the national territory. It is in charge of all aspects of customs clearance. Dirección General de Aduanas is part of the Ministerio de Hacienda.
For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contacts