1.2 Samoa National Regulatory Departments

The National Government of the Independent State of Samoa is made up of three (3) branches. 


  1. The Legislative Branch is Parliament, comprised of the Head of State and Legislative Assembly. Laws are enacted when Bills are passed by the Legislative Assembly, assented to by the Head of State and published in the Samoa Gazette (official government newspaper, now known as the Savali Newspaper). The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly is the chief presiding officer of Parliament. 

  1. Executive branch comprises of the Head of State and the Executive Government – of which the Prime Minister is head, supported by Cabinet Ministers. The Executive Government is responsible for the day-to-day management of the State, including the enforcement of laws in Samoa. 

  1. The Judiciary branch interprets the law, ensures that the law prevails and is the guardian of the Constitution as the Supreme law of Samoa. The Chief Justice is the judicial and administrative head of the Judiciary 

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Samoan: Matagaluega o Faatoaga ma Faigafaiva) 

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) is the principal organization charged by the Government of Samoa to provide the policies, regulation and technical support to agriculture and fisheries production. MAF approach is to work in partnership with stakeholders such as subsistence farmers, commercial farmers, importers, exporters and Argo-processors and in collaboration with their associated public agencies, NGO‟s and service providers 


Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour 

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour has a variety of mandated roles and responsibilities set out in more than 30 pieces of legislation: 


  • Promote industry development, foreign investment and guarantees the rights of citizens to participate in the economy of Samoa 

  • Set standards to regulate fair competitive practices to promote a level playing field in all trades 

  • Administers the Apprenticeship Scheme, Employment Services, conducting labour market surveys and collection of Labour Market information 

  • Promote and enforce labour and employment relations, foreign employee employment and occupational safety and health standards 

  • Administers the Recognized Seasonal Employment program as well as the Labour and Employment Export Programs 

  • Manage and enforce the statutory obligations of the registries of companies and other legal entities and protect the rights of Intellectual Property holders 


Ministry of Communications and Information Technology 

To provide access to appropriate and affordable ICT for all, to develop the fundamental ICT development skills that can address local and regional needs. Utilize ICT as a means for enhancing the effectiveness, efficiency, inclusiveness, accountability, and transparency of state government. 


Ministry of Customs and Revenue 

The ministry assists in the financial development through revenue collection, trade facilitation and border protection. 

Under these three principal roles. 


  1. Manage and administer the taxation systems in a way that encourages compliance by all taxpayers 

  1. Facilitate trade and the movement of people across borders while at the same time protecting community and ensuring compliance within the law 

  1. Efficiently collect the correct revenue due to the State. 


Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 

The ministry leads the management of Samoa’s environment and natural resource. Its mandate is to provide assurance, survey, and spatial information services to support the sustainable development and management of rural resources and the environment. 


The Disaster Management Office is a division within the Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment that is responsible for ongoing coordination, development and implementation of Disaster Risk Management programmes and activities in Samoa. 


The Division of Environment & Conservation (DEC) has served the country for more than 20 years. Over the years and with different emerging issues that has threatened Samoa’s biodiversity from land to sea, the Division with more than 30 staff has expanded and includes five Sections – National Parks, Waste, Chemical and Hazardous Waste, Terrestrial Conservation, and the Marine Conservation. Each Section is responsible for implementing activities and programs that tries to address the different threats impacting Samoa’s biodiversity. 


Ministry of Works, Transport, and Infrastructure  

Civil Aviation 

Under its legal mandates, the Civil Aviation Division has responsibility for the safety oversight of all Civil Aviation Activities in Samoa, including: 


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