Airport Overview
Location Details |
Country |
Afghanistan |
Latitude |
34.210017 |
Province / District |
Herat |
Longitude |
62.228300 |
Town or City (Closest) |
Herat |
Elevation |
977 m / 3206 ft |
Airfield Name |
Khwaja Abdullah Ansari International Airport |
IATA and ICAO Codes |
Open From (hours) |
Sunrise |
Open To (hours) |
Sunset |
RWY Dimensions |
3 014 m x 45 m (9 888 ft x 148 ft) |
RWY details |
Asphalt |
RWY Orientation |
187 ° T / 007 ° T |
Customs and Immigration
Available in civilian terminal for domestic and international passengers.
Airport Services
De-icing currently unavailable.
Before any flight is Operated to Herat, clearance from the Civil Aviation Authorities must be received.
Cargo handling facilities / Civilian Terminal
GAAC provides Cargo handling support in Herat.
Ground Handling Comp |
Contact Ph |
High Loaders Y/N and capacity in Kg |
Belt Loaders (can handle Euro Pallet |
Availability of Stairs |
+93700029231 |
Yes – MDL 14 tons |
Yes |
Stairs |
Fuel for Civilian ACFT provided by Kamgar petroleum.