2.3 Kyrgyzstan Road Network

Kyrgyz Republic’s roadways total 34,000 km, including 140 km expressways, 22,600 km of paved roads, and 7,700 km of unpaved roads. Most of freight and passenger transport is by road. The surface condition of these roads varies from fair to poor. Road condition is one of the worst among CIS countries. Much of the country is mountainous and many routes involve steep grades and mountain passes. Winter conditions from late October through to April can result in snow, ice, avalanches and fog. Damage to roads due to an earthquake or landslide could severely affect transportation of supplies various regions. Secondary roads are in poor condition and local knowledge is essential before dispatching any supplies along such routes. The main roads such as the Bishkek to Osh are open all year round but include several high passes that are subject to winter conditions. Axle load limitation is 8 ton/per axle in the country and for all neighboring countries. This limitation is applied for all vehicle types.

Construction of the Phase 1 and 2 of the North-South alternative road was planned until 2019, but has been extended until 2023.

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

Distance Matrix

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (km)








Kara Balta 


675 km

565 km

910 km

298 km

314 km

408 km

61 km


675 km

110 km

235 km

579 km

989 km

1,083 km

617 km


565 km

110 km

345 m

469 km

879 km

973 km

507 km


910 km

235 km

345 m

814 km

1,224 km

1,318 km

852 km


298 km

579 km

469 km

814 km

612 km

706 km

240 km


314 km

989 km

879 km

1,224 km

612 km

301 km

375 km


408 km

1,083 km

973 km

1,318 km

706 km

301 km

469 km

Kara Balta

61 km

617 km

507 km

852 km

240 km

375 km

469 km

Travel Time Matrix

Travel Time from Capital City to border check-points (km)





 1 hour 50 min / 95 km

37 min / 24 km

 7 hour 15 min / 501 km

Road Security

Road security in Kyrgyzstan is good.


Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits

Weighbridges are widely used in Kyrgyzstan in-country transport operations. Private weighbridges are available for commercial purposes at private warehouses and depots in the capital and Osh City.

Location of truck weighbridges

Weight limit (including truck weight)

Truck Dimensions limit (m)


Bishkek – Torugart Highway

1. Weight control point in Torugart

(400 km from Bishkek)

55 tons

Height : 4.1 m

Not operational. This weight control point was temporarily relocated to the Customs terminal in Naryn city (334 km from Bishkek).

It is still not clear whether it will be installed in Naryn or put back in the old location in Torugart.

2. Weight control point in Kant

(30 km from Bishkek)

55 tons

Height:  4.1 m 


Bishkek-Osh Highway

1. Weight control point in Sosnovka

(100 km from Bishkek)

1. For truck KAMAZ up to 12 tons.

2. For Heavy-load Truck up to 22 tons.

Height : 4.4 m

Width: 6 m

Not operational. Currently these scales are not operational and trucks drivers carry documents about their loads indicated in waybills.

Some drivers do weighting wherever it possible before traveling on this highway (just for their own usage).

2. Weight control point in Karakul town

(381 km from Bishkek)

Currently there is an 8 MT limitation per axle set by the Government all over the country. 

Road Class and Surface Conditions

Road Construction/Maintenance

According to information from the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the reconstruction of Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart road has finished. Moreover, asphalt has been laid between Bishkek - Balykchy (Issyk-Kul bypass road). Another project of reconstruction of alternative road Bishkek – Osh (throuhg Naryn) has started. The project is divided into three phases wit completion of Phase I planned by 2018.

The reconstruction of the Osh – Batken – Isfana road is in progress. The asphalt is being laid on part from Samarkandek – Isfana.

For more information, please see the following link: 4.1 Kyrgyzstan Government Contact List

Road Classification


Road Description

Class: (e.g. RN) International

5,697 km (Bitumen)

Main international highways of Kyrgyzstan are one lane, bitumen, opened round year.

However, there are short closures in winter due to weather conditions (avalanches, heavy snowfall etc.).

Class: National

5,093km (Bitumen and gravel)

Nationals roads are the roads connecting districts centres to the highways.

Most of these roads are not maintained.

Class: Local

23,240km (Gravel)

Local roads are roads connecting district centres to the remote villages.

Road Inventory


Administering Agency

Network Length

Class: International

Ministry or Transport and Communications

5,697 km

Class: National

Ministry or Transport and Communications

5,093 km

Class: Local

Ministry or Transport and Communications

8,059 km 

International Corridors

Osh – Irkeshtam (route from People's Republic of China)

This corridor provides the only direct connection between the Ferghana Valley region of Kyrgyzstan, and south western portion of the Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of PRC. This route has high passes that are frequently blocked by drifting snow, which can cause road closures for several days. The road is also prone to erosion from the flooding during the spring thaw. (ADB report)

Bishkek – Torugart (route from People's Republic of China)

This is an important regional route linking the People's Republic of China (PRC) to Central Asia and Europe on what was once part of the Silk Road. Reconstruction of this road already completed and operational without any interruption. Some short-time closure may happen due to heavy snow.

Bishkek – Taraz (Kazakstan)

This route connects the Chui, Osh and Jalal-Abad provinces with Kazakhstan. This route is open all year round but may be blocked by heavy snowfalls in winter.

Osh – Isfana (Kyrgyz – Uzbek/Tajik border)

Main connection road between southern city of Osh to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan border in the southern region of Kyrgyzstan. Road is operational round year.

Saritash – Karamik (Kyrgyz-Tajik border)

Connecting south of Kyrgyzstan with border city of Karamik. Road is operational round year.

Main domestic road corridors

Kyrgyzstan highways connect main cities from the north to the south. Mainly 1 Lane/side roads are accessible round year, except during heavy weather conditions (snowfall, avalanches and etc.)

Bishkek – Osh

Bishkek – Osh, distancing 672 km is main highway used between capital city of Bishkek and southern capital city of Osh. Road is accessible round year by all types of vehicles. Operation could be stopped up to one day due to heavy snowfall. About 6000 vehicles/trucks crossing this road a day.

Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart (China border)

The 539-km Bishkek – Naryn – Torugart road is a significant national and international highway in Kyrgyzstan that connects the southern part of the country with northern region. The road connects with neighboring countries such as Kazakhstan, China and the Karakoram Highway with Pakistan. The road was constructed in 1930 during the former Soviet Union period. The route includes 48 bridges, nine underpasses and one aqueduct. The road reconstruction was completed in 2015.

Osh-Batken-Isfana (Tajik border)

The road runs south-west from Osh, and then westwards from Kyzyl-Kiya to Koktala village, which is located very close to the border with Uzbekistan. Soon after that, at km 108.6, the first detour around Uzbekistan territory was constructed.

The Osh – Isfana road has, so far, not been given an international identification. One of reasons for this road to be included in the Asian Highway network is that it can form an alternative route to AH7 through the Fergana valley to Tajikistan (Hudjant).

Road Corridor Assessment

Kyrgyzstan highways connect main cities from the north to the south. Mainly 1 lane/side roads are accessible round year, except during heavy weather conditions (snowfall, avalanches and etc).

Osh-Irkeshtam corridor Bishkek - Torugart corridor Bishkek - Taraz corridor Osh-Isfana corridor Osh-Sarytash corridor Sarytash-Karamyk corridor Sarytash-Murgab corridor
Description Route to Peoples' Republic of China Route to Peoples' Republic of China Route into Kazakhstan Border with Uzbekistan

Border with Tajikistan

Total Distance 258 km 550 km 285 km 274 km 185 km 133 km 230 km
Travel Time 3.5 hours 7 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 2.5 hours 5 hours
Road Classification International / National National International National National National International
Security Marginal Marginal Good Marginal Good Marginal Marginal
Main towns / hubs Osh, Sary Tash, Irkeshtam Bishkek, Kochkor, At Bashy, Naryn Bishkek, Sokuluk, Karabalta, Chaldovar Nookat, Kadamjai, Batken Gulcho Sarytash, Karamyk Sarytash
Surface 100% paved (asphalt or concrete)

100% paved (asphalt or concrete)

70% highway, 30% primary roads

100% paved (asphalt or concrete)

Road Conditions 80% compacted smooth, snow and ice depending on the season Ice on mud, depending on the season Snow and ice depending on the season

Types of Traffic All vehicles All vehicles All vehicles

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