2.4 Kyrgyzstan Railway Assessment


The Kyrgyzstan railway network consists of 470 km of broad gauge (1.520-m) (2008).

Key railway station located in Bishkek (Alamudun) and Osh (Osh - 2). Majority of cargo goes through these stations. According to 2018 data, in total RW delivered 7.4 million tons of cargo and about 324 400 passengers.  It consists of two lines – the Northern line (322.7km) that runs from Lugovaya through Bishkek to Bakykchy. This line connects Kyrgyzstan with Russia through Kazakhstan.

The Southern line is made up of four sections that connect Kyrgyzstan with Uzbekistan then on to Russia, at four different points, with a total of 101.2km of line. Approximate cost of transportation – $100 USD per MT for freight from Moscow to Bishkek. 68 MT of cargo can be moved a day in covered wagons. A maximum of 25 mt of tobacco or cotton can be moved a day.

For more information, please see the following link: 4.1 Kyrgyzstan Government Contact List


 Travel Time Matrix 

Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (Hours / Days)









2h 20

1 h 40min

1h 20 min


40 min

20 min


30 min

2h 10 min

2h 30 min

1h 30 min

1h 10 min

50 min


1 h

3h 20 min

2h 20 min

2h 30 min

2h 10 min

1h 50 min


1 h 20 m

3h 40 min

3 h

2h 20 min


1h 40 min


1h 40 m

4 h

3h 20 min


2h 20 min



2 h 10

5 h 10 min

3h 50 min

3h 30 min

3h 10 min

2h 30 min


3 h 30 m

5h 50 min

4h 10 min

4h 50 min

4h 30 min

4h 10 min



7h 20 min

6h 40 min

6h 20 min

6 h

5h 40 min

5h 20 min

Railway Companies and Consortia

Railway Company Address Phone Number / Fax Email address
Kyrgyz Temir Zholu National Company

Postal index: 720009

Bishkek, Lev Tolstoy St., 83

(312) 65-69-32 / (312) 65-34-71 / (312) 92-73-00 / (312) 92-73-50

Fax: 0 (312) 65-06-90
Branch GP "Railway Company Kyrgyz Temir Zholu" Bishkek, Osmonov St., 1/1

(312) 41-82-06 / (312) 41-82-68 / (312) 92-75-93 / (312) 41-82-68
Branch GP "Railway Company Kyrgyz Temir Zholu" on locomotive economy Bishkek, Lev Tolstoy St., 105

(312) 92-62-08 / (312) 92-63-13

Fax: (312) 41-82-69
Branch GP "Railway l Company Kyrgyz Temir Zholu" on traveling facilities Bishkek, Lev Tolstoy St., 93-a

(312) 92-62-30 / (312) 92-74-04

Fax: 0 (312) 41-83-08
Branch GP "Railway Company Kyrgyz Temir Zholu" on service of passengers Bishkek, Lev Tolstoy St., 3-a

(312) 64-01-06 / (312) 54-01-06

Fax: (312) 59-52-17

Branch GP "Railway Company Kyrgyz Temir Zholu" on service of passengers Bishkek, Lev Tolstoy St., 63-a

(312) 92-72-28

Fax: (312) 35-12-57

Branch GP "Railway Company Kyrgyz Temir Zholu" on ensuring loading and unloading works Bishkek, Lev Tolstoy St., 45

ph./fax: 0 (312) 41-77-22

ph.: 0 (312) 92-62-60
Branch GP "Railway Company Kyrgyz Temir Zholu" on carriage economy Bishkek, Lev Tolstoy St., 59-a

(312) 41-82-57

Fax: (312) 65-69-31

Branch GP "Railway Company Kyrgyz Temir Zholu" on material support Bishkek, 1st Tovarnaya St., 42

(312) 92-60-43

Fax: (312) 92-71-40

Branch GP "Railway Company Kyrgyz Temir Zholu" on electricity supply, the alarm system and communication Bishkek, Krivonosov St., 1

(312) 92-62-14

Fax: (312) 41-82-09
Southern office of GP "Railway Company Kyrgyz Temir Zholu" Dzhalal Abad, Toktogul St., 7


Fax: 0372250212

For more information, please see the following link: 4.9 Kyrgyzstan Railway Company Contact List

Key Route Information 

Standard Route Information

Northern Line

Lugovaya – Rybachie

Track Gauge

1520 mm

Ruling Gradient


Total Track Distance

322.7 km

Type of Rail


Type of Sleeper and Fastenings


Total Track Travel Time




Companies / Consortiums Operating on Line

Kyrgyz Temir Zholu National Company

Traffic Frequency




Main Stations

  1. Lugoyava
  2. Merke
  3. Kaindy
  4. Karabalta
  5. Belovodskaya
  6. Shopokovo
  7. Bishkek
  8. Alamedin
  9. Kant
  10. Ivanovka
  11. Tokmok
  12. Bystrovka
  13. Djyl-Aryk
  14. Ryabachie

Main international railway lines

Neighbouring Country Rail Gauge
Kazakhstan (Bishkek branch) 1.520 m
Uzbekistan (Osh branch) 1.520 m
Tajikistan (no rail connection) 1.520 m
China (no rail connection) 1.524 m / 1.435 m
Border Crossing Station Neighbouring Country
Lugovaya Kazakhstan
Karasu Uzbekistan
Post 38 Uzbekistan
Shalmaldysay Uzbekistan

Distances to Ports

Distance in km through each country

Bishkek – Riga (Latvia)

Kyrgyzstan – 152

Kazakhstan – 2,415

Russia – 1,889

Latvia – 288

Total – 4,744

Osh – Riga (Latvia)

Kyrgyzstan – 23

Uzbekistan – 451

Kazakhstan – 2147

Tajikistan - 109

Russia – 1889

Latvia – 288

Total -  4907

Jalal-Abad – Riga (Latvia)

Kyrgyzstan – 14

Uzbekistan – 469

Tajikistan – 109

Kazakhstan – 2147

Russia – 1889

Latvia – 288

Total - 4916

 Osh – Poti (Georgia) – For Wagons*

Kyrgyzstan – 23

Uzbekistan – 817

Tajikistan – 109

Turkmenistan – 1168

Azerbaijan – 500

Georgia – 360

Total – 2,977

Osh – Poti (Georgia) – For Containers**

Kyrgyzstan – 23

Uzbekistan – 454

Tajikistan – 109

Kazakhstan – 2147

Russia – 1,457

Azerbaijan – 680

Georgia – 360

Total – 5,230

*Wagon freight is done with a ferry across the Caspian Sea

**Container freight is by rail the whole distance

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