Micronesia, Federated States of
3 Micronesia Services and Supply

Most large infrastructure and utilities services are supported by either FSM or state governments.  Services such as electricity supply, fuel supply, roads, ports and airports are all government owned and managed although private contractor manage some of the services such as Stevedoring and freight handling

Other than in the state capitals few retail and business services exist. All goods are imported into FSM except for tuna and coconut products. The retail and business sector relies on the import of goods from China, Taiwan, Korea and the United States.

The retail sector consists on several multi sectored supermarkets providing items from food, clothing kitchenware, white goods, sport goods office supplies and hardware. There are two main locally owned super markets Ace Hardware and Shigato.

There is a total reliance on imported goods. Goods are relatively expensive and small local convenience stores are scattered throughout the communities for small items for daily use.

Small entrepreneurs operate niche services and stores based on importing of goods ranging from computers, clothing, stationary supplies boat motors to beer to engine oil.

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