3.1 Kyrgyzstan Fuel

Fuel Overview

Kyrgyzstan, being a land-lock country with no oil reserves, is heavily dependent on import of fuel from the region, mainly from Russia (approximately 90% of total imports of fuel and lubricants). Fuel in limited amount is also imported from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The main importer of the fuel in Kyrgyzstan are the  local branches of Gazprom of Russia, which has wide range of fuel stations throughout the country. Gazprom also trades fuel to ten main local traders who further distribute the fuel and lubricants in country.

The Anti-Monopoly Regulation Agency of Kyrgyzstan monitors fuel prices and analyses the structures of the open and liberal downstream sector. The Agency only regulates prices for monopolistic companies. Although, according to an internet article, there were concerns that the main petrol company Gazprom has a quasi-monopolistic position. Fuel prices are not regulated as of May 2011.

Fuel Supply and Storage

Gazprom Neft Asia owns 113 refueling stations and 9 fuel storage depots in the country. Almost 90% of fuel is imported from Russia into Kyrgyzstan by Gazprom Neft Asia. 

Bishkekskaya Neftenaya Kompaniya mainly plays distributor’s role in the country with 23 refueling stations mainly in the capital city and one fuel storage depot in the northern suburb of the capital. 

SHNOS mainly plays distributor’s role in the country with 48 refueling stations mainly in the capital city and one fuel storage depot in the suburb of the capital.

Major Distributor & Address

Contact Names & Email

Telephone & Fax

Gazprom Neft Asia

Bishkek, 8 micro-districts 28 A

Name: Abildaev Bolot

Title: General Director


Tel: + 996 312 515151

Fax: + 996 312 514444

Summary of Role and Services

Main importer and distributor of fuel and lubricants in Kyrgyzstan.

Almost 90% of fuel and lubricants imported into the country by Gazprom Neft Asia.

Gasprom Neft Asia owns approximately 113 re-fueling stations and 9 fuel storage depots in the country. 

Major Distributor & Address

Contact Names & Email

Telephone & Fax

Bishkekskaya Neftenaya Kompaniya

Address: Bishkek, Abdumomunova 245-1 A

Name: Kyrbanov Kayrat

Title: Deputy General Director



Tel: +996 312 610132

Fax: +996 312 610123

Summary of Role and Services

The company owns 23 re-fueling stations in the capital and city and a fuel reservoir 40 km from the capital.

The company was established in 2009 and operates as one of the main fuel distributors in the northern part of the country.

Major Distributor & Address

Contact Names & Email

Telephone & Fax


Address: Bishkek, 3rd street 25/1


Tel: +996 312 548995

Fax: +996 312 546067

Summary of Role and Services

The company owns 48 re-fueling stations in the capital and city and fuel reservoir at the outskirts of the capital.

The company mainly distributes fuel and lubricants in the country.

Information may also be found at: which is updated monthly. 

For more information, please see the following links: 

4.1 Kyrgyzstan Government Contact List

4.7 Kyrgyzstan Fuel Provider Contact List


Fuel Pricing

Fuel Prices as of: <4 July 2020> (US$)

Petrol (per litre)

USD 0.42-0.45/l

Diesel (per litre)


Paraffin (per litre)


Seasonal Variations 

Seasonal Variations

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel?


Is there a rationing system?


Is fuel to lower income/vulnerable groups subsidized?


Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs?


Is it possible for a humanitarian organizations to contract directly a reputable supplier/distributor to provide its fuel needs?


Fuel Transportation

How is internal transportation of fuel products carried out?

By railway and road, fuel tankers

Is the transportation infrastructure and fleet sufficient to handle current domestic needs

as well as increased demand from the humanitarian community?


Standards, Quality and Testing

Industry Control Measures

Tanks with adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel


Filters in the system, monitors where fuel is loaded into aircraft


Adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks


Presence of suitable fire fighting equipment


Standards Authority

Is there a national or regional standards authority?


If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced?


Testing Laboratories

Are there national testing laboratories? (Yes / No)


Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory


Panfilova 197; 720040, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Telephone and Fax

Telephone: +996 312 62 68 07

Fax: +996 312 62 68 7 

Standards Used:


For more information, please see 4.3 Kyrgyzstan Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List

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