Burkina Faso
3.2 Burkina Faso Transporters


The road transport market is highly developed in Burkina Faso and represents the first mean to carry goods in and out of the country as per showed in the below table from the last 2018 statistics report published by the MTMUSR (Ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité Urbaine et de la Sécurité Routière) in December 2019[1].

This is also highlighted with the below figures related to the trade volume in 2019 published by INSD[2] (Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie ) showing goods are mainly transported by road first if comparing with the sea and air transportation.

According to the last statistics report of CCI published in March 2020[3], 2 356 companies are registered as transporters and offer a remarkably high number of trucks available within the country (trailer, semi-trailer, etc). However, according to main syndicate of transporters represented by the FUTRB (Faitière Unique des Transporteurs Routier du Burkina), there is around 8000 transporters companies operating in Burkina Faso as follows:

  • 80% are micro and small size companies with less than five truck and not legally registered
  • 16% are medium size companies and legally operating in country
  • 3% are administratively organized companies
  • Only 1% are considered as professional and developed companies

As observed, transporter companies belong mainly to the informal sector with a high number micro companies without any legal registrations and owning a few trucks. Therefore, this is a point to be considered when contracting a company to respect all the local legislation and to be in position to meet all customers’ requirements.

In this regard, the DGTTM is implementing since 2019 the Licence d’Exploitation de Transport Routier, a mandatory certificate for all the transporters to operate in the country. The transporter must submit a set of documents to obtain this certificate then a blue number plate will be assigned for each registered truck. A blue plate is stating that the truck is dedicated for transportation of goods and passed the yearly technical control with the CCVA.

Target is 2024-2025 to achieve this process with campaign of awareness from the DGTTM regional offices to mobilize the transporters to apply for the license.

Organization & Structure of National Transporters

There are 19 different unions of transporters in country which created some issues in term of negotiations with the government illustrated by several and repetitive strikes in the past. Last February 2021, an umbrella structure gathering all the union was created under the FUTRB then has presented officially the board to the MTMUSR in June 2021. Main challenges for the road transport in country is to renew the fleet characterized by trucks in poor mechanic condition (mainly due to the overloaded practice) and to work on the awareness of road safety. In this regard, the government has launched last 25 October 2021 the first phase of subscriptions to the credit access mechanism on behalf of the transporter for the renewal of the fleet. The budget allocated for this first phase with the support of the World Bank represents 5.500.000.000 CFA with a target of 150 new trucks (here the DGTTM ‘s communication)

In addition, the FUTRB is doing advocacy to have a ceiling price system in place  as of October 2021, below is the current T.KM[4] (will depend on the type and destination of the cargo)

  • From 32 to 44 FCFA at international level
  • From 80 to 160 FCFA at national level 

Transporter capacity to meet humanitarian needs

 At this stage, domestics and humanitarian needs are fully covered by the national capacity of the market and none tension to meet both private and humanitarian requirements was observed during the past years. Even in case of a sudden increase of transportation needs by the humanitarian community, the national market will be able to absorb an influx in demand.

Source: INFORM Risk Index September 2021

However, the main challenge is the access to IDPs located in areas where security is the major issue (North, North Center, Sahel, Est regions). Transporters are reluctant or refuse to dispatch their trucks in those borders regions due to the high risk of ambush, kidnapping by terrorist groups and the increase of IEDs on the road.

Regional Transporters Overview

To have a better understanding and knowledge of the transportation sector within the main regions impacted by the humanitarian crisis, meetings with syndicates were conducted during field visits last October 2021.

For more information on transport company & syndicate contact details, please see the following link: 4.8 Transporter Contact List.

Faitière Unique des Transporteurs Routier du Burkinabé (FUTRB)

Regions Covered

All regions


Issoufou MAIGA (based in Ouagadougou) - President of FUTRB


Umbrella organization which gathers eighteen different unions within the country and represented by the President Mr. Issoufou MAIGA. FUTRB’s role is to be the interface between the government and the carriers in a participatory relationship and with the main objective of contributing to the development of national transport. Below is the structure of the Faitière:

  • Two focal points for each province.
  • A Regional Bureau for each region to represent the eighteen syndicate members of the FUTRB.
  • A National Bureau with a session organized on quarterly basis.
  • An Assembly in charge to develop and prepare a national strategy.

FUTRB’s goal is the respect of the transportation rules within the country by the companies and with the support of the local authorities. Main issues are the overload practice which damages seriously the roads and the exclusion of truck more than twenty years of service.

Syndicat Régional des Transporteurs Routiers des Voyageurs du Nord (SRTRVN)

Regions Covered

Region Nord


Laminé SAWADOGO (based in Ouahigouya) – Secretary, Member of F.U.T.R.B

Number of Vehicles

Capacity per Vehicle (MT)

Condition of Vehicles

Vehicle Type


7 MT / 10 MT

Trucks are available from individual companies based in Ouahigouya and main cities within the region.

Drivers have a good knowledge of the area which is a source to get information about road conditions.


Since 2018, freight activity is facing a huge decrease up to 80% due to the security situation and from now only food transportation represents their main core of activities. Due to this situation, the syndicates implemented a system where transportation contracts are shared among several individual companies to guarantee income.


Organisation des Transporteurs du Faso (OTRAF)

Regions Covered



Mamadou CISSÉ (based in Dori), Member of FUTRB


Number of Vehicles

Capacity per Vehicle (MT)




7,10,20 MT

Tinakoff: Every Thursday (market day), road is asphalted, and fuel is available.


Tasmakatt: Every Monday (market day) via R3 with tricycles.



7,10 MT

Tinagadé: via D3 with only 7 MT truck


7 x 13 MT

17 x 10 MT

25 x 25 MT

3 x 40 MT

Arbinda via Gorgadji: Unsafe areas therefore transporters take the opportunity to go only when there is a military convoy to shift troops.

Mansila via Sebba: Unsafe areas therefore transporters take the opportunity to go only when there is a military convoy to shift troops

Mansila: Accessible by road during the dry season only.

Seytenga: Road to reach the Niger border (67 km) however increase of security incidents during the last months.


Sibré: Accessible by tricycle only


Accessible with only 7 MT and 10 MT truck


Accessible with only 10 MT and 20 MT truck


 Estimated tariff from Dori to:

  • Sebba: 20 000 to 27 500 CFA per ton
  • Déou: 30 000 to 35 000 CFA per ton
  • Gorom-Gorom: 10 000 CFA per ton
  • Tinakoff: 20 000 CFA per ton
  • Markoye: 20 000 CFA per ton
  • Gorgadji: 10 000 CFA per ton
  • Arbinda: 35 000 CFA per ton
  • Seytenga: 10 000 CFA per ton
  • Falagountou: 10 000 CFA per ton


Organisation des Transporteurs du Faso (OTRAF)

Regions Covered

Region Est


Djibril TRAOERE (based in Fada) – Regional Representative, member of FUTRB

Number of Vehicles

Capacity per Vehicle (MT)

Condition of Vehicles

Vehicle Type


From 5 MT to 70 MT

Around 50 transporters companies are operating in Est Region mainly based in Namounou/ Kompienga (cities closed to Niger and Benin borders) and Fada. Each transporter owns an average of 2-3 trucks.


However, the commercial transportation within the region is very impacted by the insecurity on the roads with the presence of terrorist groups and IEDs.

Incidents occurs on weekly basis and trucks stopped moving in many axes like:

  • N18 Fada – Pama
  • N19 Fada – Madjoari  

This situation is delaying the humanitarian response to reach the beneficiaries in those areas. Main roads going to Niger border (Kantchari) and Benin border (Nadiagou) are also targeted by the terrorist groups to rob goods and to do carjacking. In addition, transporters have been requested by the terrorist groups not to use security convoys when travelling otherwise they will be targeted.

At this stage, transporters are facing a tough economic situation and to maintain their business activity, some transporters decided to leave the region to deliver goods to Ouagadougou from the main corridors (Lomé, Abidjan, etc).

The second main issue reported by the Syndicate is the very poor conditions of the roads destroyed in some axes with huge potholes. Then, construction companies awarded to do the rehabilitation within the region are victims of attack by terrorist groups (kidnapping of workers, destruction of building machines, etc) which stopped the activities.


Organisation des Transporteurs du Faso (OTRAF)

Regions Covered

Region Centre-Nord


Mahamadi ZAMTAKO (based in Kaya) – Regional Representative, member of FUTRB

Number of Vehicles

Capacity per Vehicle (MT)

Condition of Vehicles

Vehicle Type


From 4 MT to 50 MT

Around 200 transporters companies are operating in Kaya and each transporter owns an average of 2-3 trucks.

Few transporters are in Kongoussi (12) and in Tougouri (20) however they are mainly based in Kaya.

According to the Syndicate, 70% of the companies well are registered with the CCI and the remaining belongs to the informal sector.


The transportation sector is facing a significant decrease of their activities since local markets closed three years ago in some areas like Kelbo, Foubé due to the insecurity within the region. There are no more goods to be transported so many companies have stopped operating.

As a date of November 2021, the axes to Bouroum (D22), Silmangué and Pensa are still accessible by road according to the Syndicate.


Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

[1] Full report available here

[2] Full report available here

[3] Full report available here

[4] Ton per Kilometre

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