Papua New Guinea Additional Service Providers: Vehicle Rental, Taxi Companies, Freight Forwarding Agents, Handling Equipment, Power Generation and ISPs
4.2.5 Papua New Guinea Additional Service Provision Contact List
Vehicle Rental
For a list of vehicle rental companies, please select the contact list given above.
Taxi Companies
For a list of vehicle rental companies, please select the contact list given above.
Freight Forwarding Agents
They are plenty FF companies, mostly in towns surrounding the main mining sites (Lae, Port-Moresby, New Ireland province, etc. Furthermore, coastal shipping becoming more and more important, some FF companies are present in nearly all the provincial capital towns. For a list of freight forwarding agents please select the contact list given above. Further background information on the availability of transport can be found in the following document: Papua New Guinea Additional Service Providers Additional Information
Handling Equipment
For a list of handling equipment agents, please select the contact list given above. Further information on these contacts can be found in the following document: Papua New Guinea Additional Service Providers Additional Information
Electricity and Power
In Papua New Guinea (PNG), less than 10% of the population has access to electricity. Where power is available, generally in the main urban centers, the supply is often unreliable. Access to electricity is very limited in off-grid rural areas. Lack of access to affordable, reliable power is limiting economic growth in urban areas, constraining growth in smaller urban centers and contributing to poverty in rural areas. Currently, there are two main separate power grids in Port Moresby, and in the Lae, Madang, Highlands areas (the Ramu grid) as well as a number of smaller grids servicing the smaller urban centers. Because of the unreliability of the power supply, there is considerable self-generation and back-up generation capacity in urban areas; maintenance and operation costs are high and efficiencies low. PNG has about 580 megawatts (MW) of installed generation capacity, including hydropower (230 MW, or 39.7%), diesel (217 MW, or 37.4%), gas-fired (82 MW or 14.1%), and geothermal (53 MW or 9.1%). There are a number of private sector power generators currently operating in PNG, including:
- Hanjung Power Ltd, a private company that operates a power station (26.4 MW) supplying the Port Moresby grid;
- PNG Sustainable Energy Ltd, which operates a number of rural grids in Western Province and is expanding operations to other parts of the country;
- Mining operations that maintain significant levels of self-generation capacity.
In addition:
- Provincial governments have responsibility for maintaining a number of stand-alone rural generation facilities (C-centres),
- Churches provide electricity to some off-grid villages,
- The larger mining sites sometimes provide power to adjacent communities.
For more generic information on electricity availability in PNG, information on electricity generation, electricity distribution and supply electricity, please select the following document:
Papua New Guinea Additional Service Providers Additional Information
Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
For a list of internet service providers, please select the contact list given above. Further information on these contacts can be found in the following document:
Papua New Guinea Additional Service Providers Additional Information
Internet Service Providers |
Are there ISPs available? (Yes / No) |
Yes | ||
Private or Government |
Private |
Dial-up only (Yes / No) |
All services available, incl. ADSL, GPRS, WIWAX |
Approximate Rates |
Dial-up: |
n/a |
Broadband: |
n/a |
Max leasable ‘dedicated’ bandwidth |
n/a |