Organization |
Name & Title |
Phone Number (Office) |
Agence canadienne de développement international |
First Secretary of Cooperation Marie Brault |
+243 99 745 76 67 |
Coopération Technique Belge |
Resident Coordinator Dirk Deprez |
+243 99 590 40 05
Pays-Bas |
Deputy Chief of Mission Roland Martin |
+243 99 6050 600
Italie |
Attache de cooperation |
n/a |
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency |
First Secretary Anna Furubom-Guittet |
+243 99 967 47 20
Suisse |
First Collaborator Rolf Ott |
+243 99 993 63 34
Department For International Development |
Humanitarian Advisor Sophie Tholstrup |
+243 81 058 52 01 |
Espagne |
Chargé des projets humanitaires Luis F Rodriguez |
+243 81 884 31 95
France |
Attaché régional de Coopération André Abel Barry |
+243 99 930 39 88
Office of Foreign Disaster |
Coordinator Jay Nash |
+243 81 880 14 26 |
Director of the A.I program Tsunetaka Tshuchiya |
+243 81 389 45 36 |
Norwegian Programme for Development |
Senior Advisor Alida Gunvor Endresen |
+243 81 299 12 01 |
Danemark |
Anne Brigitte Albrectsen |
n/a |
Luxembourg |
Marianne Donven |
n/a |
Australie |
First Secretary Rebecca Worner |
+254 20 375 53 24 |
USAID - United States Agency for International Development |
Mission Director Diana B. Putman |
+243 81 555 44 30 |
Bureau ECHO (Direction Générale de l’aide Humanitaire de la Commission Européenne) |
Head of Office Alain Decoux |
+243 81 700 74 30 |
UN Agencies |
Programme des nations unies pour le développement - PNUD |
DSRSG/RC/HR/UNDPRR Moustafa Soumaré |
n/a |
Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'Enfance - UNICEF |
Representative Barbara Bentein |
+243 99 290 86 64 |
Mission de l'ONU pour la stabilisation en République Démocratique du Congo - MONUSCO |
Rule of Law Advisor Carsten Weber |
+243 81 890 66 29 |
Bureau de Coordination des Affaires Humanitaires - UNOCHA |
Head of Office Barbara Shenstone |
+243 99 144 99 43 |
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Agriculture - FAO |
Representative Ndiaga Gueye |
+243 81333 01 49 |
Programme des nations Unies pour l'environnement - PNUE |
Program Coordinator Dieudonné Musibono |
+243 99 803 80 90 |
Programme des Nations unies pour les établissements humains – UN HABITAT |
Permanance Kinshasa Corneille Kanene |
n/a |
UNDSS - United Nations Department of Safety and Security |
Head of UNDSS Gabriel Faye |
+243 81 884 50 00 |
UNFPA - Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population |
Deputy Resident Representative Keita Ohashi |
n/a |
UNHCR - Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés |
Regional Representative Stefano Severe |
+243 97 000 01 82 |
United Nations Office of Project Services - UNOPS |
Director and Representative Brian Leo Treacy |
+243 81 710 77 86 |
UNMACC - United Nations Mine Action Coordination Centre |
Program Director Pascal Simon |
+243 81 890 6907 |
Programme Alimentaire mondial - WFP |
Representative Martin Ohlsen |
+243 81 700 67 92 |
Red Cross Movements |
Comité International de la Croix-Rouge - CICR |
Head of Delegation Franz Rauchenstein |
+243 81 700 85 35 |
Croix-Rouge de Belgique - CR B |
Head of Mission Thierry Desmond |
+243 81 000 20 74 |
Croix-Rouge Française - CR F |
Head of Delegation Grégoire Brou |
+243 99 044 68 27 |
Croix-Rouge Italienne - CRI |
Head of Mission Lorenzo Mitchilumi |
+243 82 146 41 06 |
Fédération Internationale de la Croix-Rouge - IFRC |
Country Representative Yawo Gameli Gavelo |
+243 99 801 18 01 |
Croix-Rouge RDC - CR - RDC |
President Dominique Lutula;
Eugene Salamu |
+243 99 992 68 23
+243 81 160 65 87 |
International NGOs |
Chief of Party Dr Aben Ngay |
+243 81 506 05 00 |
Technical Coordinator Maurizio Finetti |
+243 81 829 11 28 |
11.11.11 |
Head of Mission Suzanne Hoogewys |
+243 81 510 89 90 |
Action Contre la Faim International - ACF-International |
Country Director Anne Kröning |
+243 81 88 07 320 |
ADRA - Adventist Development and Relief Agency |
Country Director- Western Region Robert Britton |
+243 81 066 37 05 |
Africare |
Resident Representative Francis T Hammond |
+243 81 088 51 25 |
Action Damien |
Representative Pamphile LUBAMBA |
+243 81 059 51 64 |
Action AID |
Program Liaison Manager Raissa Ndogole |
+243 81 076 37 20 |
Agence d’aide à la Coopération Technique et au Développement - ACTED |
Country Director Norik Soubrier |
+ 243 99 77 22 019 |
Country Representative Barbe Solene;
DRC Mission Chief Tinoupaï Blanc |
+243 81 759 75 25
+243 85 917 75 95 |
Chargée de Coordination Reisi Penagos |
n/a |
+243 81 072 73 35 |
Amici de Bambini |
Country Representative Mauro Pitzalis |
n/a |
+243 99 405 40 09 |
Aviation Sans Frontières – France - ASF-F |
Representative Martin |
+243 81 215 71 79 |
Avocats Sans Frontières – Belgique - ASF |
Head of Mission Aurore Decarnieres |
rdc-cmkin@asf .be |
+243 81 742 05 59 |
CAFOD – Catholic Agency for Overseas Development |
Country Representative Bernard Balibuno Kateta |
+243 97 000 19 01 |
CARE International |
Country Director Yawo Douvon |
+243992160141 |
Caritas International Belgique - CI.BE |
DRC Representative Emilie Cordelier Fernandes |
+243 81 611 42 41 |
Catholic Organization for Relief and Developement AID - CORDAID |
Head of Mission Annie Lefevre |
+243 99 100 18 30 |
Catholic Relief Services - CRS |
Country Representative Margaret Desiller |
+243 99 100 95 01 |
CESVI – Cooperazione esviluppo |
Head of Mission Agata Messina |
+243 99 965 82 22 |
Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli - CIPS |
Country Coordinator Lucia Falchetti |
+243 81 884 1693 |
Comité d’Aide Médicale - CAM |
Head of Mission Philippe Boutin |
+243 99 847 14 82 |
Concern Worldwide CONCERN WW |
National Director Antoine Esclatine |
+243 81 502 96 70 |
COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale |
Head of Misson Benedetta Lettera |
+243 99 85 03 473 |
Chaîne de l'Espoir-Belgique |
Head of Project Marianne Le Marchand |
+243 81 429 93 36 |
Christian Aid |
Country Manager Inogwabini Bila-Isia |
+243 81 880 47 44 |
Cristoffel Blind Mission - CMB |
Country Representative Maria Scicchitano |
+243812172024 |
Dan Church Aid - DCA |
Grants Manager Marc Vaillant |
+243 81 455 02 98 |
DIV. ACTION HUM. | Bokotsi Mboyo | +243 85 330 00 81 | |
Country Director Sandra Gass |
+243 99 334 82 64 |
Fondation Albihar - FA |
Coordinator for projects in the DRC Gracianne Richonnier |
+243 81 68 32 926 |
Fondation pour l'Afrique (FPA) - Hongrie - FPA |
President France Mutombo |
36302621032 |
n/a |
Office and IT Manager Olatunde Odufa (Toto) |
+243 89 716 56 52 |
Hope in Action |
Liaison Officer Joseph Nkinzo |
+243 99 829 07 82 |
Helen Keller International (HKI) |
Interim Country Director Kathy Tilford |
+243 99 014 11 41 |
HI-B - Handicap International - Belgique |
Operational Coordinator Anna Picoli |
+243 81 374 92 17 |
HI-F/Handicap International France/Actions Urgences /Goma |
Head of Mission Rabii BENAMEUR |
+243 99 531 12 56 |
Hope In Action Sweden - HIA - Se |
Liaison Officer Joseph Nkinzo T chiboL | |
+243 81 368 34 23 |
IFES - International Foundation Electoral Systems |
Chief of Party Carmina Sanchis Ruescas |
+243 81 938 03 91 |
Acting CD Oggie Radosavljevic |
n/a |
International Rescue Committee - IRC |
Regional Director Amanya Michael Ebye |
+243 99 52 00 001 |
JRS - Jesuit Refugee Service - JRS |
National Director Victor Wilondja |
+243 99 990 51 72 |
Project Manager of Food Security Andrea Conto |
+243 81 0010158 |
Magna enfants en peril |
Deputy Chief of Mission Andrea Stranska; Erick |
+243 81 510 83 58 +243 81 715 04 72 |
Malteser International |
Representative of the Liaison Bureau Christian Hauptmann |
+243 81 016 39 80 |
MDM -F - Médecins du Monde - France |
General Coordinator for the DRC Pascale Barnich |
+243 81 31 32 6 76 |
Medicus Mundi Navarra |
National Representative François Zioko |
+243 99 994 07 79 |
Missionary Aviation Fellowship |
Director Greg Heller |
+243 85 157 85 84 |
Medische Missie Samenwerking - MEMISA-B |
Head of Mission Alain DRESSE |
2,43996E+11 |
Médecins du Monde Belgique - MDM-B |
Deputy to the Coordinator General of the DRC Rodembourg Noëlle |
+243 970 12 22 52 |
Médecins Sans Frontières Belgique - MSF-B |
Head of Mission Bertrand Perrochet |
+243 81 50 26 027 |
MSF-Intersection |
Representative for MSF- Intersection Concha Badillo |
+243 81 658 66 04 |
MSF - DRC | Pierre Mounier | ||
Mines Avisory Group - MAG |
National Director Fabienne Chassagneux |
2 430 813 535 148 |
Médeceins d'Afrique - MDA |
Representative Francine Ametonou |
+243 82 325 88 42 |
Country Representative Ezekiel Mulowayi |
+243 99 160 43 77 |
Director General Trad Hatton |
+243 99 920 00 609 |
Norwegian Church Aid |
Country Program Manager Alexandre Becquevort |
+243824000594 |
Norwegian Refugee Council |
Country Director Alain Homsy |
+243 81 086 90 30 |
OXFAM | Stephane Ndjoli | +243 99 200 54 19 | |
OXFAM Belgique |
National Representative Mérick Freedy Alagbe |
+243 81 913 19 15 |
National Representative Noel Lupembe Kakongo |
+243 81 700 88 39 |
OXFAM - Grande Bretagne |
Country Director Sylvie Louchez |
+243 81 700 71 35 |
RCN Justice & Démocratie |
Head of Mission for the DRC Hubert Nzakimuena |
+243 99 86 39 614 |
SADAFRIC | Elonga Songinere | +243 81 711 59 00 | |
Save The Children - UK - SC-UK |
Country Director ai Rob MacGillivray |
+243 99 990 50 81 |
Search For Common Ground - SFCG |
Country Director Dirk Jan Koch |
+243 81 241 13 75 |
Solidarité International - SI |
Country Representative Olivier Krins |
+243 81 361 79 51 |
Seeds of Peace Africa - SOPA | Bruno Buiya | ||
SOS Villages d’Enfants |
National Director Bernard Dechy |
+243 81 318 62 44 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
+243 99 979 27 87 |
Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale |
Country Representative Jean Le Coz |
+243 99 602 15 00 |
Head of Mission Hervé Bund |
+243 81 315 24 97 |
TRIAS vzw |
Regional Coordinator Alphonse Kapuya |
alphonse .kapuya |
+243 81 506 35 94 |
VIA Don Bosco |
Program Manager Stefan Lopez Hartmann |
+32(0)2 423 20 71 |
Head of Mission Michel Gratton |
+243 99 300 74 90 |
WVI - World Vision International |
Representative Robert Kisyula |
+243 99 100 89 00 |
Country Director Dr Jay Drosin |
+243 99 13 88 055 |
Regional Director Marcelo garcia |
+243 99 104 4441 |
Head of Mission Frederic Pacini |
+243 99 053 21 24 |
Local NGOs |
ADSSE - Association pour le Développement Social et la Sauvegarde de l'Environnement |
Head of the Liaison Bureau Augustin Kapika |
+243 99 993 34 35 |
AHD | Jean Denis | +243 85 812 57 15 | |
APD | Engenzo Honore | +243 85 810 24 84 | |
APEE | Executive Secretary Marcel Tote |
+243 85 215 78 75 | |
ASE | Lambert Bekodji | +243 81 067 07 70 | |
BETHSAIDA | Gilbert Mongoyo | +243 85 212 22 10 | |
Bureau Diocésain des Oeuvres Médicales |
Nutritionist Team Leader Florence Mabo |
+243 99 995 12 06 |
CAREO - Centre des Abandonnés et de Réintégration des Enfants Orphelins |
National President Luc Muhima Biti |
+243 99 831 50 49 |
Groupe One |
Program Coordinator Maurizio FINETTI |
n/a |
n/a |
CARITAS-Développement |
National Director Jean Muela |
+243 99 994 69 19 |
Convention des Volontaires Actifs pour les Droits Humains et le Développement |
Grant Officer Camille Aubourg |
+243 81 199 73 21 |
Espoir pour tous/ONGD |
President Luc Lutala |
+243 81 520 31 99 |
Fédération des Ong Laïques à vocation Economique du Congo |
Executive National Secretary André Tshula Nkunku |
+243 99 817 94 65 |
Fondation CODESPA |
Country Representative Carolina Buglione |
+243 081 014 21 84 |
Fondation Femme Plus |
National Director Bernadette Mulelebwe |
+243 99 991 11 62 |
Humanitas Ubangui |
Administrative President Philippe Sobinzi Dombale |
+243 81 058 07 92 |
ADSSE - Association pour le Développement Social et la Sauvegarde de l'Environnement |
Head of the Liaison Bureau Augustin Kapika; Kenedy Kisamwadi |
+243 99 993 34 35 +243 85 415 46 45 |
Bureau Diocésain des Oeuvres Médicales |
Nutritionist Team Leader Florence Mabo |
+243 99 995 12 06 |
CAREO - Centre des Abandonnés et de Réintégration des Enfants Orphelins |
National President Luc Muhima Biti |
+243 99 831 50 49 |
Groupe One |
Program Coordinator Maurizio FINETTI |
n/a |
n/a |
CARITAS-Développement |
National Director Jean Muela |
+243 99 994 69 19 |
Convention des Volontaires Actifs pour les Droits Humains et le Développement |
Grant Officer Camille Aubourg |
+243 81 199 73 21 |
CHEMONIC | Patrick Kongomu | +243 85 812 29 57 | |
CPEM CAR. PR. | Francois Ngweli | +243 81 730 49 30 | |
Espoir pour tous/ONGD |
President Luc Lutala |
+243 81 520 31 99 |
Fédération des Ong Laïques à vocation Economique du Congo |
Executive National Secretary André Tshula Nkunku |
+243 99 817 94 65 |
Fondation CODESPA |
Country Representative Carolina Buglione |
+243 081 014 21 84 |
Fondation Femme Plus |
National Director Bernadette Mulelebwe |
+243 99 991 11 62 |
GRADIBO | Longomo Elima | +243 85 810 11 34 | |
Humanitas Ubangui |
Administrative President Philippe Sobinzi Dombale |
+243 81 058 07 92 |
LAPAC | Ngiesangte Padge | +243 82 275 36 32 | |
OREBO | Basele Jean | +243 85 103 54 49 |