1 Kiribati Country Profile
Generic Information
Kiribati, officially the Republic of Kiribati, is an island country in the Micronesia subregion of Oceania in the central Pacific Ocean. Its permanent population is over 119,000 as of the 2020 census, with more than half living on Tarawa atoll. The state comprises 32 atolls and one remote raised coral island, Banaba. Out of the 33 atolls, there are 23 atolls that are inhabited. Its total land area is 811 km2 (313 sq. mi) dispersed over 3,441,810 km2 (1,328,890 sq. mi) of ocean (Wikipedia, 2024).
The country contains three major island groups: the Gilbert group in the west, the central Phoenix group and the Line group in the east. The country straddles the equator, with an average annual temperature of 27.5ºC (World Bank, 2021).
Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For a generic country overview, please consult the following sources:
Kiribati Wikipedia Country Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiribati
Kiribati IMF Country Information: http://www.imf.org/en/Countries/KIR
Facts and Figures
Kiribati Wolfram Alpha Information http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=kiribati
Kiribati World Bank Information https://data.worldbank.org/country/kiribati
Kiribati Population Information http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/kiribati-population/