The Ministry of Plan and External Cooperation (MPCE) is the Ministry in charge of the official NGOs registration and the general supervision of NGOs' activities. The supervision is done by a special Unit : ONG’s Activity Coordination Unit (UCAONG).
For specific and sensitive goods imports, some further endorsements are required:
The Ministry of Agriculture (MARNDR) has to endorse customs declarations when importing food.
The Ministry of Health (MSPP) has to endorse customs declaration when importing medical supplies.
Humanitarian activities
Social activities are coordinated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MAST).
Emergency and Disaster management activities are coordinated the General Direction of Civil Protection (DGPC) overseen by the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Communities (MICT).
For information on Haiti Regulatory Departments contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Haiti Government Contact Lists