Airport Details |
Country |
Bangladesh |
Latitude |
26° 2’ 0” N |
Province / District |
N/A |
Longitude |
88° 28’ 0” E |
Airport Name |
Thakuragaon Airport |
Elevation (ft) |
N/A |
IATA & ICAO codes |
Surface |
N/A |
Town or City (closest) |
Thakurgaon |
Runway Condition |
N/A |
NGO / UN (on ground) |
N/A |
Passenger / Cargo Security Screening (Yes / No) |
N/A |
Runway Dimension |
N/A |
Ground Handling (Yes / No) |
N/A |
Refueling Capacity |
N/A |
Runway Lighting (Yes / No) |
N/A |
Runway Heading |
N/A |
Fire Fighting Equipment (Yes / No) |
N/A |
Air Traffic Control (Yes / No) |
N/A |
Windsock (Yes / No) |
N/A |
Weather Information (Yes / No) |
N/A |
Aircraft Parking space (Yes / No) |
N/A |
Navigation Aids (Yes / No) |
N/A |
Perimeter fencing (Yes / No) |
N/A |
For additional information, please see the following documents:
Bangladesh Common Information Airport Charges
Bangladesh Airports additional info
Bangladesh Costs 2013 Airfield Charges
Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.
For contact details, please see the following link: