2.3.19 Zambia Border Crossing of Luangwa


This border post is quiet with minimal traffic volume to and from Mozambique and Zimbabwe on the D145, 89 km from the  Great East road T4 turn off. The main trade is Fish between Mozambique and Zambia. The Fish is meant for the coppebelt and the DRC of Katanga region. Long terms plans to put a bridge connecting the three (3) countries is yet to be implemented.  The Road is steep in places and tarmac and follows the Luangwa River.  All cargo has to transfer to small boats to cross the Zambezi or Luangwa Rivers

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing


Zambia: Luangwa Border Post

Mozambique: Zumbo

Zimbabwe: Feira

Province or District

Lusaka Province

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Lusaka (300 km)





Managing Authority / Agency

Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA)

Contact Person

Station Manager: +260977142010 

Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Lusaka – Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (300 km)

Truck Travel Time: 8 hrs

Car Travel time: 3.5 hrs

Nearest Port

Beira, Mozambique (1,839 km)

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Lusaka (300 km)

Truck Travel Time: 8 hrs

Car Travel time: 3.5 hrs

Other Information

Road is good tarmac from the T4 and along the D 145, 89 km to the border post.  All cargo crossing to either Mozambique or Zimbabwe is by small boat.  Mostly people cross through this border post.

Hours of Operation

Every day regardless of holidays or season 

06:00 – 18:00

Daily Capacity

This border post is quiet with minimal traffic volume to and from Mozambique and Zimbabwe on the D145, 89 km from the T4 turn off.   All cargo has to be transferred to small boats to cross the Zambezi or Luangwa Rivers

Customs Clearance

Delays occur when documentation is incomplete. 

Documentation requirements for food (cereals):

  1. Waybill
  2. Export permit (dependant on commodity)
  3. Certificate of Origin (COMESA/SADC)
  4. Fumigation certificate
  5. Export schedule (in case of Maize)
  6. Invoice
  7. Phytosanitary certificate

Electronic pre-clearance is possible and recommended through a forwarding agent.  A bond is held by the agent for a fee. The ZRA is the regulatory authority and an inspection by the Ministry of Agriculture and the ZRA for any import and export. A fee of 100 USD per foreign registered truck and 196Z MW for Zambian trucks is required. All trucks are subject to inspection upon entering or leaving the harbour.

For more information on customs in Zambia, please see the following link: 1.3 Zambia Customs Information.

Other Relevant Information

Crossing of either the Zambezi or Luangwa Rivers in small boats only. 

Food is inspected by the Ministry of Agriculture. 

Luangwa Border Post, PO Box 18 Luangwa, Tel: +260 211415010, email:

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Zambia Government Contact List

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