Company |
Name & Title |
Address |
Website & Email |
Phone Number (Office) |
Mobile |
Fax Number |
Ethiopian Trading Business Corporation (ETBC) (the former Ethiopian Grain Trade Enterprise (EGTE) |
- |
Debrezit Road Opposit to Dashen BankKirkos Sub CityAddis Ababa 3321 Ethiopia |
- | +251-0114- 65 24 36 |
+251920612712 +251-911254406 |
+251-11-465-54-28 +251-11-465-27 92 |
Strategic Food Reserve Agency, SFRA Former Ethiopian Food Security Reserve Administration (EFSRA), |
Misrak Mamo, Director General |
Kazanchis Kirkos Sub City, behind Economic Commission for Africa ,ECA, Addis Ababa P.O.Box 431 |
- | +251 11 5549309, +251 11 5512100 | - | |
National Disaster Risk Management Commission , NDRMC, (the former Disaster Risk Management and Food Security Sector (DRMFSS), |
Ato Mitiku kassa / State Minister |
Kirkos Sub CityAddis Ababa, Ethiopia NDRMC Bld. Near Ghandi Hospital | |
+251 1 524259/524272 | - | +251 01-514788 |
Ethiopian industrial inputs development enterprise, EIIDE, (the former Merchandise Wholesale & Import Trade Enterprise (MEWIT), |
- |
Addis Ketema Sub CityAddis Ababa, Ethiopia |
+251 111714566 | +251911202259 | +251111550905 | |
Ethiopian Agricultural Business Corporation, EABC, (the former Agricultural Input Supply Enterprise (AISE), and the former Ethiopian Seed Enterprise (ESE), |
- |
Debrezeit Road, adjacent to Fafa Food Factory. PO BOx 6898 | |
+251114422679 | - | 251-114421312 |