State of Palestine - 1.2 Palestine Regulatory Departments and Quality Control


Organisations responsible for the food quality infrastructure in Palestine:

There are two public institutions with relevance to food quality and safety in Palestine: 


the Ministry of Health is the authority for Inspection and analysis of Food quality and safety, they set the national standards for the fortification of wheat flour and the Iodization of salt.


The PSI (Palestinian Standards Institution): is a public institution that seeks to ensure high competitiveness of Palestinian products, and facilitates trade, contribute to protect the health and safety of Palestinian citizens and environment, PSI represents Palestine in the International system of standards and metrology by developing Palestinian standards that are internationally harmonized by providing testing and inspection and metrology services as well as certifications and conformity marks.

Pages - Palestine Standards Institution : Main Page (


The Institute has the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. ​​Prepare and adopt Palestinian standards for products, and services; review, amend, replace and publish them. 
  2.  Grant conformity marks and compliance certificates and
  3.  Provide inspection and testing services.
  4. Establish a national system of metrology, unify the tools and methods of measurement, and provide calibration services.
  5. Approve labels for products.
  6. Cooperate with local and scientific institutions to achieve the objectives of the Institute and fulfill its duties and authorities.
  7. Provide support and encourage research and development for testing laboratories recognized in the areas of standards and metrology.
  8. Enter into agreements with Arab, regional, and international institutions for mutual recognition of conformity marks and certificates and cooperate with them in the areas of quality infrastructure. 
  9. ​Respond to inquiries related to standards, technical regulations, metrology, and conformity assessment.
  10. Provide training services for employees of the private and public sectors.  

For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 

4.1 Palestine Government Contact List

4.3 Palestine Laboratory and Quality Testing Companies Contact List


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